Sunday, June 13, 2010

Celeb Updates the Blog Week 44

Heres the blog for 44. Wow getting close to 50 

American Idol I can NOT believe that Simon isn’t on the show anymore. Mind you, I have only myself seen like two shows in total but that guy made the show. I cant help but think of Shrek the 2nd when I think of Simon. Did anyone else see that special Idol thing done at the end of the movie? Very funny! Simon you will be missed!

Don’t you love the contradicting celeb news. One says that Jon Gosselins new girlfriend Ellen Rose HATES kids, while another says she LOVES them. So who do you want to believe? Or who do you believe?

I love this quote about love from Katherin Hegel, you could call it my quote of the week. A sure sign you are in love is “A tingle in your toes”  Ah!

I’ve grouped 3 people in to a new category I call: didn’t we hear this before! First is up is that Brad & Angelina are trying to expand their family. Whether they are having the babies or adopting, we have heard it before and nothing has happened! Next up is Kourtny and Scott are fighting and have broken up. The reasons aren’t usually much more than alchol but its always there they have broken up for sure. And lastly is Katie Holmes is pregnant. Hang on, how many times have they said this? Btw don’t always read stories on covers and expect them to be the real stuff. I have seen marriage proposals (but inside its for a movie), babies they are pregnant (inside they are just planning or trying) and people are dating (but inside again its for a movie). Just like news where they tease celeb mags tease you to get you to read their stories and hopefully buy the mags too!

I am proud that Sandra Bullock has moved out on her own and is maybe wanting more kids. She seems like a great mom I believe all the reports. I also think its great she is going back on the scene of award shows to say she is okay. You better believe she is fine. Jesse recked what they had but he didn’t reck Sandra for good she is doing great!

I actually have seen a few eps now of the Bacherotte so I can say I have seen it and I don’t think its that bad a show. But I feel bad for Ali if she is truly hiding her body. She is a young beautiful girl, and shouldn’t be ashamed of herself. Plus she is super skinny. So Ali show off what you want but don’t be afraid that any of your body is fat!

I actually do believe that Elin should get more and that Tiger Woods may be hiding his fortune. Shes only getting $350 million which seems like a lot but if you were Tiger Woods wouldn’t you be worth MORE than that?

The only Scream movie I ever saw was the first one. So if Jennifer Aniston is having a role like Drew Barrymore I can see what they mean. But still can you see her dying like that? Cool for her though if she is into that kinda stuff.

I cant believe that Nicole Kidman has on 100SPF. I didn’t know they made stuff that high. But if she really wants to protect her skin I am not saying its wrong. Some people just don’t like to be tan and she never really is. Plus she could have super sensitive skin which could get burnt or even lead to cancer. So good for her, but still 100SPF? Seriously?






That’s all. Thanx for reading 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


First of all. I’m sorry for such a small update for a months worth of stuff. We went on a trip and things got in the way. So CU42 was just like a full set of ODD news no pictures, nothing edited, no descriptions really of anything, etc. CU41 although normal also did not have a blog. So there are NO blogs for CU41 or CU42 to be clear. Heres the blog for CU43 thanx for reading

I didn’t see the Jesse James interview but from I hear. His two reasons for cheating are super lame. I’m sorry he was abused as a child. But that and the worst one yet he thought Sandra would leave him and felt he wasn’t good enough for her is beyond wrong. Its called DIVORCE get one. You don’t go and cheat cause you think someones going to leave you. You leave them and then have affairs. Instead he broke the marriage vows he made just cause he thought. The truth was Sandra loved him and trusted him and wouldn’t have left him anytime soon. He truly messed something up. I feel no pitty for Mr Jesse James. I think Sandra is far better off without him and I HOPE she doesn’t change her mind and come back. Crying or not what he said didn’t bring me to tears. I don’t think I ever wanted to listen to him say what he did. What do you think?

I cant believe that the sextuplets are now 6. Wow. Kate & Jon are going to super have their hands full. 8 kids is a lot of work and they are all so young still! Wait till they are teens can you imagine? So Jons got another girlfriend that the kids once again love (I think we heard this before) and the kids are choosing him over Kate too. So Kate goes and leaves Jon not telling him she is taking the kids to Florida to film for the new special for Kate Plus 8. I don’t think that was a good idea. Their messy divorce now a year gone by shouldn’t be affecting things but it still is. I think they need to work on their communications especially now that they aren’t married. Plenty of chances and time to fix one of the many issues they had while they were still man and wife. In this case I think Kate not Jon was wrong. I go back and fourth on who I side with but in this case its not Kate.

I heard that whole story about Lindsey Lohans scram bracelet. First of all have you seen a SCRAM bracelet? I have a picture here of one. She cant drink alcohol and gets random drug tests. Well if she doesn’t want to go to jail she had better follow those rules and she might be free from it. Do you buy that she lost her passport and that is why she was late by 4 days for her court date? In this case I think it might be true. Either way her punished comes down to one word: SCRAM

I think Brad Pitt has ever right to want to go and film his own film next year. You only hear about Angelia Jolie filming but never him. I think its true. I think he can and will go and film his film next year while she watches the kids. He isn’t a nanny nor a babysitter he is her boyfriend, partner and father to their 6 kids.

I believe it that Tom Cruise is a very strict dad. He seems like it. Scientology itself is strick. I am still shocked sometimes to hear that the kids actually liked it enough to keep going after their mom and dad broke up. They could have easily have hung out with Nicole Kidman instead and not had to do the scifreak stuff but instead they chose it. Strange.
The whole thing with Heather Locklear is just hilarious. I don’t think she should have ever been charged in a hit and run for hitting a sign. That’s not a person! Duh. But they did but now she is fine and cleared of all charges. I agree it was silly. But it made great funny news on TMZ. I think even World News Now covered it in their SKINNY wondering how a sign is considered hit and run?

Simon Monjack is dead. I cant believe it. I believe he did die of a broken heart. He lost his wife not even 5 months ago and dies before 40 of a heart attack? Very sad thing to hear. It just makes you see how much he cared about her. They say it wasn’t suicide but if he was depressed enough it may be.

Congrads to the winners of Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, and Biggest Loser. I did see parts of the Lost ending and since I left the show years ago it confused me very much. But I hear many people liked how it ended.




That’s all till next week. Thanx for reading.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Celeb Updates the Blog Week 40

Welcome to week 40. And its on time this week hurray!

I cant believe anyone no matter who would try to use their affair to actually try to sell shoes. I thought Nike dropped Tiger Woods? Well either way he is using his affairs to sell shoes. Their marriage I think is truly a joke if they cant possibly get through this and he has the guts to do something so stupid as use his affairs to sell a product. That makes him selfish and that makes me realize that he might not be as sorry as he appeared to be when apologized weeks ago! Not good Tiger NOT GOOD!

If they are going to remake anything even an 80s movie from Smurfs it had better be good. None of that make a movie and its super crap so it pays no respect to the original one it came from! That wouldn’t make me want to see it at all!

Jon Gosselin had better really set up a house near those kids for real. There is NO way he has a chance to even win any kind of custody when he lives nowhere near them. That makes him as bad as Kate. And does he even have a job? Where does he come up with this stuff? In the meantime I think its funny that Kate wants to be a celebrity as in MOVIE STAR. She wants to be the “girl next door” cause America wants that. I’m not trying to be mean here because I am a fan sorta of hers but to say that. I don’t think she is girl next door material!

Jake making his dancing partner cry on DWTS makes you think twice about him. If you think anything of him at all. I don’t think its nice to critic someone who is trying to HELP YOU. Duh shes the teacher, shes the dancer NOT YOU! Seriously I think Jake has some major issues to pick on someone like that.

Just cause Nicolette doesn’t speak to her co-workers she used to work with doesn’t mean she is lying. I actually believe her. Who would do that and not be telling the truth. Its not right what ABC did to her and her character. Abuse is a serious issue. So in this case I hope she wins her $20 million dollars!

In the end I think it will truly be Justin who will figure out if he is going to fall for Cameron or not. Why did they break up in the first place? You have to wonder. So unless there is truly something “still there” then its just speciliation that he is going to fall for Cameron and leave Jessica Biel behind.

Sandra wants to make this marriage work. I give her all props then. If she thinks she make this marriage work then I think good for her and only cheer her on in the side lines. I think in the end she should do whatever her heart tells her, if that means staying with Jesse or not.

Robert P. and Kristen had a get away together. How sweet. I guess its hard to be a star, young and in love. But what better what to spend time together then to actually just take some time off. So good for those two for having fun. And I believe the only proposal that Kristen is getting is for the movie Eclipse. I don’t think those two are anywhere near marriage for real in real life!

I doubt Angelina Jolie is pregnant. What multiply sources claim that? Seriously! They need to get a life. I don’t think any bulge of the stomach, bunch in the skirt or bump in the pants mean pregnant either. The majority of the times when someone is pregnant they do tell and if they aren’t telling its not real. Most times when its speculated that someone is pregnant they truly aren’t. So until we hear Angelina say she is I doubt it’s the real thing!

I think if Tori Spellings mother gives her all that money I think it’s a true blessing. She wants to be a stay at home mom but her husband doesn’t make enough either. Whatever better way then for her to be handed the money she needs to be what she wants to be. So if Candy is generous enough I hope Tori takes the money from her.

I think its funny that Renee Zellweger is like Abbie don’t touch Bradly. She has ever right to be protective of him but still its funny if she really said that. I doubt when they say a star said that they he or she did but still funny stuff!

I cant believe that Michelle who broke up Jesse and Sandra actually has the guts to claim that its Jesse who did that not her. Yes she did. You don’t say you are sorry unless you mean it and to say shes sorry she should be admitting she played a role in it too. Even if Jesse slept with her she slept with him. It’s a two way street not a one way. Duh! So she shouldn’t ever say she DIDN’T break up their marriage cause DUH she did!
Hailey Glassman trying to get money from Jon one last time. What money? What does he truly owe her? Nothing! Just fame and stuff. She could probably be very famous, get into acting or something else just cause she dated him for all those months. So that’s about all he owes her is an apology well she owes him that actually. Funny! Money!

I think Nicolas Cage buying that Pyramid Tomb is so funny. I cant believe he did that. Then again he does have a real human skelton in his place that he keeps named Vincent. Haha. That is so like him thinking he wants to live in a cave of a tomb like that forever and ever.

So if there was a second Beetlejuice, what would it be about? I wonder. I think it would be interesting. But all the characters are way older. You don’t normally wait like what 20 years for a sequel that’s just strange and not a great idea. But if they did one I might consider watching long as they get all the original people and such. Could be interesting even just for dvd…





That’s all for now!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Celeb Updates the Blog Week 39

Welcome to CU 39. And with CU 40 around the corner. I’m excited. When we hit 50 we should celebrate ;)

I’ve decided to wait and see for Elin and Tiger Woods. When one article says they are divorcing and another says no they aren’t. You have to sit there, scratch your head, and go, okay whos right? So for now we shall see. In other news. Tiger played the Masters but DIDN’T win. He got 4th. Some say it was a “respectful 4th” and that means he should be proud to do so well. I don’t think he should have thought he’d screw up, stop golfing, come back months later and except to play 110% great. Hes not inhuman Tiger Woods is as human as anyone as we have seen!

Sandra isn’t falling for Jesse James lies. That’s what it says. But what does that mean? Will she stay with him anyways. It looks like she might. She didn’t nail the divorce papers down immediately so that makes me think that she is actually considering her options and not jumping the gun too fast. Which is smart. Guess we shall see soon enough if she chooses one or the other thing.

If Gerald and Jen have kids I will die laughing. But same time we shall see. Stranger things have happened in Hollywood. In the meantime I don’t know if I truly believe that body guard of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt who claims that Jen and Brad have been hooking up. Why was he let go? Or did he quit? Is he bitter against them? I’m thinking there might be more behind this! But the tabs eat it up when they think Brad and Jen are back together they have been saying this since they broke up!

I cant believe Jon wants to get the kids back from Kate Gosselin. Come on! He isn’t there. I hear he lives far away, and only sees them once a month yet he wants to become the prime holder of the kids. Haha. If a judge lets him have it they have something wrong with them. Who wants to give the kids to a guy who sees them less then the mom? And why is he allowed to try to stay famous but she isn’t? She has to make money some how!

2 ½ Men without Charlie Sheen isn’t something I’d be into watching. He is a main character. I can think of many shows that if you took out the main character IF they survived it wouldn’t be for long. I agree. So Charlie please reconsider, the show is NOTHING without you!

Its true. I haven’t heard about Collin Ferrel in a while. He truly has been gone. Didn’t he have a kid too? The article didn’t say this but I think he did. A lot of things can mature a person and I hear having a kid or getting married or both can do it too. I am glad he has picked up his life and is doing so well. Hes a good actor from the movies I’ve seen him in.

I never thought of a wedding ring as a fashion item. I thought you wear them no matter what. But that’s how Christian Agulier is saying it. She thinks its that and doesn’t always wear it so it must mean theres something wrong in her marriage.

Madonna tells her 13 yr old daughter to cover up? Where does she come up with this? She is not a great example for her kids and they probably especially her daughter think mom dressed sexy all the time in her younger days, why cant I? So if you are going to do it don’t except your kids to think anything but they can do it too!

I am glad Elizabeth Smart is in Paris and doing so well. 2 yrs I wonder what her little girls think? Either way I am glad she has begun to heal and is having fun on her missionary trip.

Of course Michael Lohan and Kate Major got engaged. That relationship was heading that way from the beginning. IF you don’t know who Kate Major is then you don’t know how she was with Jon Gosslin at one point and also left her job at Star Magazine to date him.




That’s all for now 

Celeb Updates The Blog Week 38

Welcome to week 38 of the blog. I PROMISE to catch up on these and not keep doing them weeks after I post. Okay? Hope its alright with you!

Is there anything right with the relationship of Kourtney and Scott? If he’s not drinking, hes cheating, not working or something else. It seems that guy cant do anything right and no matter what there is always an issue! Is it just me? It could be but it seems sometimes they want to pick on these two no matter what. Is there really been any problems at all? Makes me wonder….

I’m not too shocked that the *real* Angelina Jolie is so self centered. I think she doesn’t look like shes hiding this so well. Shes always picking on Brad and putting those kids with him. And why does she keep having kids or adopting? I know its great to adopt but she keeps doing it. You cant adopt every child that has issues! Its no physically nor humanly possible. Maybe she thinks shes not human…

Sandra Bullocks love for those 3 kids may be the only thing that keeps her marriage to Jesse James in tack. While she might leave him still, and we don’t know it looks like she is leaning on those 3 kids and that is why she is sticking with him at all! I don’t think she should just stay by him for this. But that’s just me…

I know she has had issues with guys but why string anyone around? I think if Taylor Swift really is stringing 2 guys along shes not the person I thought she was. I am a fan of the young singer but I wont be much longer if she is willing to make two guys think she is the one for them. Its not right at all!

Beyonce found out she has a secret brother and are you wondering why she is so upset? Its not even with her mother, its when her father cheated on her mom. I think its wrong. And so if she wants to distance herself from her father all together I truly don’t blame her. If you blame her then you are thinking way beyond what I am….

I don’t think she should be so anxious to get so thin so quickly. Those who do that like Kendra Wilkson is doing turn to eating disorders which isn’t right. Is she really all set to be a playboy bunny again? Or why else she is she trying to get thin so fast? It doesn’t make any sense!

Reese and Jake are over. But don’t tell the kids. It seems that although Reese is now dating this new guy Jim the kids wont warm up to him. They miss Jake. And if the kids aren’t happy whose to say this relationship will last much longer if they cant all get along?

I think that if you get engaged on the Bachelor, get married just as fast and want kids faster you are heading to divorce. I mean its possible I am wrong but moving so quickly like Jason and Molly want to be is not the right way to go about it. I’ve said it once and again I don’t approve of the Bachelor at all so I don’t think anyone should be trying to get kids as fast as they got married!

I am VERY shocked to hear that Ricky Martin is gay. I couldn’t even picture him as ever being that. He was always singing about girls, he seemed so into them. And back as far as 2000? That’s when he was barely out. Hes not the first singer to come out of the closet for his kids. See Clay Atkins who came out cause of his kid. They want to raise their kids right, I get that. But seriously he does NOT seem gay ever!

Tiger Woods going behind his wifes back. If that’s true then he hasn’t learned a thing from this whole cheating thing. You don’t go behind your spouses back its what causes issues. If he truly wants to stay on his wifes good side he should be approving all things through her. Or this marriage that hasn’t ended yet will end very quickly!

I’ve decided to let this be the last time I report Dean and Tori Spelling having problems. I doubt they ever had them. Sure marriage is WORK but to keep saying theirs is falling apart is pawing at the sky for something great. There isn’t any problems why do they keep wanting some. And is Tori too thin? They keep saying that too. Again I will see about this one but its possible both are rumors that need to not only die but not come back.

Jillian and Ed? Didn’t you just move out to Chicago? Whats up with moving again? I think they are just travel crazy or just crazy to want to move when they barely moved into their current place. But if they choose a place go for San Diego. Hey I can try right? ;)

When I read that Jennifer Aniston and Gerald Butler are “Pals with Benefits” I thought I would die. That’s so funny. I have heard of the “Friends with Benefits” I know what it means but to hear them say it about those two just kills me. Of course they are sleeping together. Its been more about waiting for them to admit it then to say that they are. That’s all I’m saying…

Just cause Debra Messing and husband Daniel haven’t been seen together since October doesn’t mean there is problems. Why do you have to be seen together 24/7 all the time to be together still? I guess we will see if in October they still haven’t been. But maybe sometimes people want to be private. It must suck to be a celeb for that reason!

Jay Leno says that HE and Conan got screwed? How? Hes still on the air! Duh! The ONLY one to get screwed in this is Conan O’Brien soon to be on TBS. I think you need to really look at this from the point of view from Conan. I think he’d say Jay won and he didn’t. No screwed for Jay at all
I can NOT for the life of me picture Johnny Depp as Pee-Wee Herman. I think he would make a funny one I have seen most of his silly movies. But seriously I cant picture it. Can you? Johnny as Pee-Wee. Haha

I think its sad for Erin Andrews. That poor girl has gotten the run around a lot. She has gotten death threats and all that junk and they don’t go away. First the pictures, the guy, now this. Leave her alone!

And finally Michael Jackson DID.NOT.TAKE.HIS.OWN.DRUGS. Come on. That’s so far fetched. Yes he sat up and took the rest. Why would he do that? He was coming back out not killing himself! Plus he had 3 kids he loved and adored. Why on earth would he just go and do that. So no I don’t think he did that. And I don’t think they have a case saying that either.





That’s all. Till next blog

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Celeb Updates the Blog Week 37

Welcome to week 37 of the blogs. And sorry for big delays. This was 2 weeks again cause things happened to make it take so long.

I heard about Kate Winslet first. It was very sad to hear she was getting a divorce from her husband after 7 yrs. But the thing with Sandra Bullock just breaks my heart. She is our roll model. She didn’t think she would get married, found someone to get her sense of humor and felt she could really trust him. Well she couldn’t. Jesse James is a lying cheating husband. What comes next is still up to her weeks after this broke but truly what he does was cruel and wrong. And with 4 women? Will the real Tiger Woods please step up. Tiger could very well be Jesse’s role model. You know he hurt her once and kept on going. If she stays with him it will be a miracle but in the end we all know she is smart enough when to let go. Soon as she feels like doing so!

I’m kinda sad that Paula Abdul didn’t want to do a new Star Search. What fun that would have been. I loved watching that show when I was younger. I didn’t actually know it wasn’t the same show the whole time but different people hosting it…oh well there goes that idea.

I personally don’t like any of the options yet for the new director for Breaking Dawn. If this movie is gonna be a 2 parter then I want to see a good director. Why does the directors always have to leave its so not nice. I hope whoever they pick is a good person and not a non-good person.

I love the title for the new book by Jennifer Love Hewett. “The Day that I Shot Cupid” That’s a great title. I’m sorry she is so unlucky in love and wish her the best of luck in finding the right guy. But until then I might just pick that book up J

I am glad to see that Britney Spears is bonding again with her mom. Good for her. Its always good to see the parents and kids who were fighting finally talking again! Good for them.

I think what Conan O’Brien did for that girl Sarah is just so nice. It really shows what kind of person he did. I don’t know how random his pick was but to pick someone who needed fame to survive well that says a lot about the character he was. Now why again is he not on late night tv?

If Jake really was like a fake bachelor then more power to anyone who says that. For now he is still dancing away on DWTS and still in the game. I guess we shall see if he two steps himself off that show.

Tiger Woods will be back on the 8th of April for the Masters. He wants to win people back it will take sometime. And for now his wife Elin is still with him. Time will tell how long that last. I like this quote from Tiger Woods himself on his infidelity: "Just one is enough & obviously that wasn't the case".

Did you catch that picture that OCTOmom has in her yard? So funny! She needs the money and I guess she doesn’t care if they want to make sure a pet doesn’t become an octomom ; ) haha

I cant believe the real reason Brad Pitt grew his beard was out of bordem. He didn’t want to shave because he was bored? Wow. Well next time I’m bored maybe I wont cut my nails for a long time and become a scary lady. Haha









That’s all folks! Till next time

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Celeb Updates The Blog Week 36

Welcome to week 36 of CU. Proud of this thing and keeping it going is the best we can all do 

I would love a Gillgans Island movie! I would see it for sure. And since we are talking about it I cant believe its been 29 yrs since they have tried to do it. Makes me feel old since that means they started it around the time I was going on 2 yrs old! But for sure would love to see a movie and who they would put in it could be very interesting!

I think its interesting to see that Kate Gosselin is now choosing fame over family. Shes starting to sound like Jon who wanted fame over his kids. However, I think in the end she is trying to be a good mom and maybe is hoping that this thing with DWTS will help her provide for her kids. Its hard to imagine it but they had income from their tv show providing for them for years and when its gone and its all they know they are trying to survive best they can! So maybe that’s why. Either way, when it starts up next week I will be sure to stay tuned!

I think Matthew Brodrick and Jessica Parker have a strong enough marriage to not have any other issues. I truly think with 3 kids, and nice careers they are doing just fine! I wouldn’t worry about them breaking up. Remember when Matthew so called cheated on Jessica a year or two? They are still together! Not everyone who cheats breaks up so if they are okay and move on then I think they are that much stronger!

The thing with Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake wont go away but since it started in week 36 lets just keep it there. Sure they are back together but its only for a movie. Sure things can happen in movies but they don’t always. I think sometimes celeb gossip tab’s just want to make trouble whenever an ex gets together with another ex and it happens in a movie or tv show! They seem to think sparks will fly again. I think only time will tell if they truly do get back together and JT actually breaks up with Jessica. But till then I wouldn’t worry about them breaking up unless it was a for sure thing.

I think it’s a crack up that Jake is on DWTS in the first place but to say that he is better off on there with Chelsie then with Vienna only makes me laugh. I’m not too into the Bachelor shows but I can tell you from years of keeping up with celebs that most don’t end so well or with the person they wanted to for the show. Majority of the time it just makes that person famous so when they find the real person they want to marry or if they do choose to marry the one from the show they never stop making headlines! So if you want fame go on the Bachelor shows even if you don’t win you might be famous enough to become a Bachelortette. Thus the way things go in the reality tv show world!

I think its great that Jaycees kids are doing well! I still cant believe I had a personal connection to that girl. If I didn’t say this before Jaycee lived near me and was my age when she disappeared. Our family tried to help find her, wearing buttons. Mom was so careful after she disappeared with us to not let it happen to me or my sister. So this personal connection to someone who turned up is astounding and cool.

Ah Brad Pitt wanted to do the Oscars! I’m sorry to say he didn’t cause according to this source he had to watch the kids while Angelina is filming her new film in Italy. So they had to stay and do that and didn’t make the Oscars but he wanted to. I thought it was rather funny the biggest party in Hollywood and the most famous couple in the world possibly didn’t attend. Now you know why, cause Angelina said so!

Some things in the stories make me laugh and to think that some are saying that Britney Murphys husband and her mom are closer then normal is just a kicker! Some people are trying to say that they are close like what lovers? Haha excuse me that had me laughing for some time. I highly doubt its past what they said before they are grieving together leave them alone!

Lindsey Lohan suing Etrade for that commercial that I did see is so funny! I highly doubt its about her. Like any baby named Lindsey is making fun of the celeb is hilarious. And her drinking problem it was for milk? LOL Yet shes serious and suing for $100 million. Could she ask for a bit more?

I don’t know if I bite on this story on Charlie Sheen. I don’t think he would endanger his marriage with Brook and pay some girl to have sex with him. I mean I could be wrong and only time will tell as always but truly to do that after he worked so hard in rehab doesn’t seem to sit well with me at all.

I’m not that shocked to hear Sean Hays is gay. I think its funny how some people are like well duh of course he is! But he didn’t want to admit it till now. Maybe he just wanted to keep people guessing. But sometimes you can tell and I was sure he was even when he wouldn’t say either way when he was back on Will & Grace.

I think its cool that Matt Damon hasn’t told his kids he is famous. It keeps them grounded. Now you know they will find out someday but for now let them be kids. They are still way young. And with a mom who wasn’t famous till she married the celebrity its no wonder they want to keep their little girls grounded. That makes Matt Damon one cool dad!

Conan O’Briens new tour title makes me laugh and love the comedy guy all the more. After all isn’t that what happened? Hes not legally allowed to be on tv and be funny. I think he is way better than Jay Leno any day and I am glad to see his success. I wouldn’t mind seeing his show either!

No Katie Holmes isn’t pregnant. I was this close to reporting it then I heard that despite rumors she isn’t yet pregnant. Trying to get there, or wanting to be isn’t the same thing. The tabs don’t always get that though!

Tiger Woods will be back for golf. Hang on. I think I reported that myself but I am not in shock that the golfer will be back. I didn’t know for sure it would still be next month. But now they are saying its for sure!





That’s all folks. Sorry for the delay again! See you next week 

Check my site for video CU 36

Friday, March 12, 2010

Celeb Updates The Blog Week 35

Welcome. This week was a shorter video only about 14 mint. So this blog will be very short maybe just ONE page! Ah! Just kidding how you doing out there? 

The new people for Dancing With the Stars shocked me. What an interesting season it wil be. I cant wait! Will you be watching? Online or in person? Fun times hope you do stay tuned!

I guess Jake picked the wrong girl he picked Vienna. I’m not shocked after reading that he had fallen for the bad girl. But if shes so bad it will come out and they wont stick. Not everyone gets a happy ending who get together at the end of the show. That’s what I have learned from seeing how couples vary after they are on the Bachelor or Bacheloratte shows!

I think its cute that people are finding love on Biggest Loser. What a great way to do it! Some people might not get it. But if you are being yourself, on tv, trying to get healthy and you are actually loosing weight and dating someone wow that’s a great thing!
Very exciting!

Reese Witherspoon is too funny! She keeps dating guys who want to commit. I know sometimes people say they want someone to commit. Well she doesn’t! She dated Jake for years and still she isn’t wanting to get married. Now her new man wants to get married too. That’s a problem I never heard of before, finding too many people who want to commit!

I will miss Ugly Betty and America. But I am sure she will do great. It wasn’t Ugly Betty that made her famous, and I will be looking forward to seeing what the future holds for this bright star. But still will miss the show. Miss you Betty!

Jude Law finally meets his 5 month old love child. Thank you Jude! You were man enough to figure things out. I am glad you finally figured out its important to meet your kid. So thank you for meeting your precious little girl. 

If Megan Fox says she only slept with two guys let her be! Come on. Its her life. Its not right to make fun of someone you think sleeps with everyone. I believe her. I think its great she only has and only does it for love. That says a lot about her character. So that’s what I wanted to say whether you believe it or not….

I think if Angelinas daughter wants to dress like a boy let her! Shes just 3. Leave the kid alone. She didn’t do anything wrong to anyone so for people to say that they are making her look like a boy is wrong. She has her own mind, let her make it up!




That’s all. 2 pages isn’t so bad right?  see you next week!

Celeb Updates the Blog Week 34

First off I am very very sorry for delaying any single blog. Its amazing how I am not working and yet with that in mind I am still able to be behind on blogs and videos for CU. Our lives are so up in the air right now but since this isn’t a personal blog I would just say I’m sorry and it couldn’t be helped! Trying to keep CU going moment by moment. And then some…

I cant believe how many people got engaged in a 2 weeks period! I was excited to hear about Nicole and Joel finally, and then Hillary Duff was the add on. Then I got behind got another week for Simon to get engaged and of course the last was Seth Green. I want to say a big congradulations to all 4 pairs to all their future happiness that life may bring as married people!

I cant believe ANYONE would be told to get off a plane if they were too fat. If you pay for the seat or you pay for two then let the person be. For crying out loud. So for Kevin Smith, what they did to you was uncalled for! I should hope it wont ever happen to another person again. But I am sure by now you already got your revenge or whatever on them.

Hard to believe it was only yesterday we heard that there was a guy named Thomas who used to be a girl who was pregnant with a baby cause his wife cant conceive. Well here we are years later and he is pregnant with his THIRD. Yeah third child. Makes you wonder if one day those kids will find out how they were really born. I never thought I’d live to see the day when a guy was pregnant. So yeah…hes pregnant again!

Did you see it coming? I did! If Jon lets TLC film his kids then he can be on TV too! TLC wants to film those kids, and it was Jon who stopped them. So they came after that. So I am not shocked just wondering if they will get their wish!

I never heard it last time but guess few years ago they tried this same thing saying that JK Rollins stole her idea for Harry Potter from some other author. Yeah right. So they just want to get some money from someone very famous which isn’t right. Just cause it’s a wizard doesn’t mean its Harry!

I cant believe Charlie Sheen is in rehab, and Brook is in rehab. What a funny thing. It’s a family affair. Not the same rehab and not for the same thing but both of them are in rehab of some sort. What a mess!

Ah the twins are out and about at last! Its hard to believe you don’t really see Brad and Angelinas twins very often out but for some reason the pair keeps them pretty private. And according to this source, they have never been seen in the USA just out there. Well its good to see them even if its just once in a while and out of the USA.

Seeing anyone commit suicide is a sad sad thing. This world is pretty messed up but I don’t think anyone should feel the need to take their life. My heart felt sorrys go out to Marie Osmond and the family of Andrew both who took their lives in the past few weeks!

I’m glad to see that Jon and Angelina have at last reunited. How long they been fighting for? I think anyone fighting especially family is a very sad thing indeed. I hope they stay together cause Jon is getting up there and it would have been sadder if he had died and she couldn’t say good bye cause they were fighting still!

(I forgot one sorry don’t know which one!)




That’s all for this blog. See you next week hope not too long 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Celeb Updates My Thoughts Since This Began

I have always had this heart for celebrities. Not only are their lives so interesting. But the fact that they are were I want to be. Talking to them, seeing them, reviewing them. Since I am still not in my dream state I would like to be this much closer. So I research them. For years I just watched on the side. I watched the award shows, dreamed of standing on the red carpet. It wasnt until a class in college in 2003 right after my trip to NYC in 2002 that I got close to my dream or at least a little bit. Our ending project was do whatever you want to for my broadcasting class. You wouldnt catch me doing anything but celebs so I talked about upcoming movies. This was the year where such ones as Broke Back Mountain and Cheaper by the Dozen came out.

I even for a while there when we lived in Anaheim got lots of those Celeb Magazines by subscription. NOT cheap! My favorite will always be Star it simply stated all of it. And next up is People & Entertainment Weekly cause they are most famous. The rest just follow each other...I read them for fun. Kept up with them just to do it.

Last year I realized the gift I got when I purchased a flipcamera (so much more popular now then it was then). I could make my own celeb shows. Instead of just reading about celebs I could report about them. Do it for free, set it up and edit it. A project in itself is a long thing. From gathering news (2 to 3 hrs per week) to editing and videoing (2hrs per week) I had it all. So I began what I now call CU for short or Celeb Updates. All the good shows need a name right?

I am now about to post CU Week 34. Sadly I keep having to combine my weeks, but for a while there they were shorter and came out once a week without fail. Even if you dont see them for weeks they are there and my goal is always not more than 2 weeks going short of talking about celeb news. From magazines.

At first it was small. The first ones if you go way back were as short as 5 mint or as long as 12 mint. Then I got to the point where they are now over 20 mint meaning they have to be two parters.

I am looking back now of almost a year of doing this and as much fun as this is, it truly still is it is also OVERWHELMING. I dont just gather news once a week I do it every day! Twitter updates from every celeb thing I can find, which means I use that in my blogs and videos too. I rarely miss anything except when twitter says I am at my limit and I dont see them for a few hours. Updated Updates Updates.

But I love it all. Since I am not sick of it again I know is what I was meant to do. Now if I could only convince someone else of that then I would be okay and on my way...I'm still waiting for that.

One day I will be on the redcarpet. I will too one day be famous. Till then each week stay tuned as I write a blog that talks thoughts, and a video that talks heart. I try to be honest to them but since my only source could be gossip I'm sorry for anycase this is so.

I love you famous people and I hope one day you too will love me back :))

Till CU 34 and on we go...

Check out CU my current page: