Monday, April 19, 2010

Celeb Updates The Blog Week 38

Welcome to week 38 of the blog. I PROMISE to catch up on these and not keep doing them weeks after I post. Okay? Hope its alright with you!

Is there anything right with the relationship of Kourtney and Scott? If he’s not drinking, hes cheating, not working or something else. It seems that guy cant do anything right and no matter what there is always an issue! Is it just me? It could be but it seems sometimes they want to pick on these two no matter what. Is there really been any problems at all? Makes me wonder….

I’m not too shocked that the *real* Angelina Jolie is so self centered. I think she doesn’t look like shes hiding this so well. Shes always picking on Brad and putting those kids with him. And why does she keep having kids or adopting? I know its great to adopt but she keeps doing it. You cant adopt every child that has issues! Its no physically nor humanly possible. Maybe she thinks shes not human…

Sandra Bullocks love for those 3 kids may be the only thing that keeps her marriage to Jesse James in tack. While she might leave him still, and we don’t know it looks like she is leaning on those 3 kids and that is why she is sticking with him at all! I don’t think she should just stay by him for this. But that’s just me…

I know she has had issues with guys but why string anyone around? I think if Taylor Swift really is stringing 2 guys along shes not the person I thought she was. I am a fan of the young singer but I wont be much longer if she is willing to make two guys think she is the one for them. Its not right at all!

Beyonce found out she has a secret brother and are you wondering why she is so upset? Its not even with her mother, its when her father cheated on her mom. I think its wrong. And so if she wants to distance herself from her father all together I truly don’t blame her. If you blame her then you are thinking way beyond what I am….

I don’t think she should be so anxious to get so thin so quickly. Those who do that like Kendra Wilkson is doing turn to eating disorders which isn’t right. Is she really all set to be a playboy bunny again? Or why else she is she trying to get thin so fast? It doesn’t make any sense!

Reese and Jake are over. But don’t tell the kids. It seems that although Reese is now dating this new guy Jim the kids wont warm up to him. They miss Jake. And if the kids aren’t happy whose to say this relationship will last much longer if they cant all get along?

I think that if you get engaged on the Bachelor, get married just as fast and want kids faster you are heading to divorce. I mean its possible I am wrong but moving so quickly like Jason and Molly want to be is not the right way to go about it. I’ve said it once and again I don’t approve of the Bachelor at all so I don’t think anyone should be trying to get kids as fast as they got married!

I am VERY shocked to hear that Ricky Martin is gay. I couldn’t even picture him as ever being that. He was always singing about girls, he seemed so into them. And back as far as 2000? That’s when he was barely out. Hes not the first singer to come out of the closet for his kids. See Clay Atkins who came out cause of his kid. They want to raise their kids right, I get that. But seriously he does NOT seem gay ever!

Tiger Woods going behind his wifes back. If that’s true then he hasn’t learned a thing from this whole cheating thing. You don’t go behind your spouses back its what causes issues. If he truly wants to stay on his wifes good side he should be approving all things through her. Or this marriage that hasn’t ended yet will end very quickly!

I’ve decided to let this be the last time I report Dean and Tori Spelling having problems. I doubt they ever had them. Sure marriage is WORK but to keep saying theirs is falling apart is pawing at the sky for something great. There isn’t any problems why do they keep wanting some. And is Tori too thin? They keep saying that too. Again I will see about this one but its possible both are rumors that need to not only die but not come back.

Jillian and Ed? Didn’t you just move out to Chicago? Whats up with moving again? I think they are just travel crazy or just crazy to want to move when they barely moved into their current place. But if they choose a place go for San Diego. Hey I can try right? ;)

When I read that Jennifer Aniston and Gerald Butler are “Pals with Benefits” I thought I would die. That’s so funny. I have heard of the “Friends with Benefits” I know what it means but to hear them say it about those two just kills me. Of course they are sleeping together. Its been more about waiting for them to admit it then to say that they are. That’s all I’m saying…

Just cause Debra Messing and husband Daniel haven’t been seen together since October doesn’t mean there is problems. Why do you have to be seen together 24/7 all the time to be together still? I guess we will see if in October they still haven’t been. But maybe sometimes people want to be private. It must suck to be a celeb for that reason!

Jay Leno says that HE and Conan got screwed? How? Hes still on the air! Duh! The ONLY one to get screwed in this is Conan O’Brien soon to be on TBS. I think you need to really look at this from the point of view from Conan. I think he’d say Jay won and he didn’t. No screwed for Jay at all
I can NOT for the life of me picture Johnny Depp as Pee-Wee Herman. I think he would make a funny one I have seen most of his silly movies. But seriously I cant picture it. Can you? Johnny as Pee-Wee. Haha

I think its sad for Erin Andrews. That poor girl has gotten the run around a lot. She has gotten death threats and all that junk and they don’t go away. First the pictures, the guy, now this. Leave her alone!

And finally Michael Jackson DID.NOT.TAKE.HIS.OWN.DRUGS. Come on. That’s so far fetched. Yes he sat up and took the rest. Why would he do that? He was coming back out not killing himself! Plus he had 3 kids he loved and adored. Why on earth would he just go and do that. So no I don’t think he did that. And I don’t think they have a case saying that either.





That’s all. Till next blog

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