Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Celeb Updates the Blog Week 37

Welcome to week 37 of the blogs. And sorry for big delays. This was 2 weeks again cause things happened to make it take so long.

I heard about Kate Winslet first. It was very sad to hear she was getting a divorce from her husband after 7 yrs. But the thing with Sandra Bullock just breaks my heart. She is our roll model. She didn’t think she would get married, found someone to get her sense of humor and felt she could really trust him. Well she couldn’t. Jesse James is a lying cheating husband. What comes next is still up to her weeks after this broke but truly what he does was cruel and wrong. And with 4 women? Will the real Tiger Woods please step up. Tiger could very well be Jesse’s role model. You know he hurt her once and kept on going. If she stays with him it will be a miracle but in the end we all know she is smart enough when to let go. Soon as she feels like doing so!

I’m kinda sad that Paula Abdul didn’t want to do a new Star Search. What fun that would have been. I loved watching that show when I was younger. I didn’t actually know it wasn’t the same show the whole time but different people hosting it…oh well there goes that idea.

I personally don’t like any of the options yet for the new director for Breaking Dawn. If this movie is gonna be a 2 parter then I want to see a good director. Why does the directors always have to leave its so not nice. I hope whoever they pick is a good person and not a non-good person.

I love the title for the new book by Jennifer Love Hewett. “The Day that I Shot Cupid” That’s a great title. I’m sorry she is so unlucky in love and wish her the best of luck in finding the right guy. But until then I might just pick that book up J

I am glad to see that Britney Spears is bonding again with her mom. Good for her. Its always good to see the parents and kids who were fighting finally talking again! Good for them.

I think what Conan O’Brien did for that girl Sarah is just so nice. It really shows what kind of person he did. I don’t know how random his pick was but to pick someone who needed fame to survive well that says a lot about the character he was. Now why again is he not on late night tv?

If Jake really was like a fake bachelor then more power to anyone who says that. For now he is still dancing away on DWTS and still in the game. I guess we shall see if he two steps himself off that show.

Tiger Woods will be back on the 8th of April for the Masters. He wants to win people back it will take sometime. And for now his wife Elin is still with him. Time will tell how long that last. I like this quote from Tiger Woods himself on his infidelity: "Just one is enough & obviously that wasn't the case".

Did you catch that picture that OCTOmom has in her yard? So funny! She needs the money and I guess she doesn’t care if they want to make sure a pet doesn’t become an octomom ; ) haha

I cant believe the real reason Brad Pitt grew his beard was out of bordem. He didn’t want to shave because he was bored? Wow. Well next time I’m bored maybe I wont cut my nails for a long time and become a scary lady. Haha









That’s all folks! Till next time

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